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bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Vietnamese- Lifestyle

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Fashion

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Foods

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Migration

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Time Line

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)History

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Religion

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Helping Link

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bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Tri

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Susana

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Thao

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Katherine

to_hien_thanh(1).gif (36668 bytes)hai_ba_trung2.gif (32732 bytes)haibatrung3.jpg (15376 bytes)
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Culture and Society

bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes) wpe6C.gif (1315 bytes) This site have information about Vietnamese history.and culture.
bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes) wpe87.gif (1356 bytes) This is where you find some information about vietnamese culture, including church and temple.
bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes) wpe73.gif (1161 bytes) This is where you get alot of news and updated information.
bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes) wpe71.gif (1557 bytes) border= Find all the resource you need to know about Vietnamese ao-dai.
bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes) wpe11.gif (1443 bytes) This is where you get information about Vietnamese Arts.
bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes)wpe70.gif (1266 bytes) This site have alot information about Vietnamese.
bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes)wpe76.gif (1500 bytes) Vietnamese Catholic Church.
bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes)wpe77.gif (1405 bytes) Know more information about Vietnamese fruit and food.
bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes)wpe78.gif (1331 bytes) This site have alot of information about Vietnam
bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes)wpe85.gif (1728 bytes) This is a quality site with alot of Vietnamese culture infromation.
bullet(1).gif (1653 bytes)Globe.gif (126 bytes)wpe7.gif (1765 bytes) This is a Buddhist Center Information.











Welcome Everyone my name is Tri, leader of this group, and I would like to thanks my members who have work hard to accomplish these page:
Susana  whose in charge of Vietnamese fashion and food
Thao  whose in charge of Vietnamese religion and help me work on the history page.
Katherine  whose in charge of Vietnamese lifestyle