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The Vietnamese population has increase dramatically in the United State over
the past 40 years. It was in 1975, the fall of Saigon City, the first wave of immigration
have occur, thousands of Vietnamese migrate to United State to avoid the war. In 1975-1980
about 90 percent of arriving Southeast Asian refugees were Vietnamese and decreasing
gradually afterward.
When they first came over the condition wasnt great as they thought it would be.
They were move to a military camp and live there until a person willing to sponsor them.
Most were sponsor by a church or some other non-profit organization. Although jobs and
languages are the most serious problem they have to face, but there also some other
problem they have to face among them-self, such as misunderstanding. It might be consider
a fact that the elder will have harder time to adapt to American culture and society,
while the children adapt to the culture quicker. That will cause some conflict when there
is a different point of view in the situation. For example the children might thought
inviting their American friends to their home is alright, but the elder might thought that
is not right. Yet that example might not be reasonable and may not apply to everyone; but
its a shot.
The second wave of migration occurs in the 1980s. During the second wave job were
harder to find, since most were taken by earlier immigrant. There are also a few
Vietnamese organization develop to help newcomer. Some Vietnamese market and entertainment
place also developed. During the period earlier Vietnamese immigrant begun to organize
them selves as they try to bring back the Vietnamese culture. Most of these organizations
were sponsor by the government.
In 1990s the third wave of migration occurs. Now, since more organization was developed to
help the new Vietnamese immigrant they have less hardship adapting to the new environment.
While more organization was developing, more laws also were developing to reinforce the
Asian community. For example if you commit a felony in the United State before you receive
a neutralization card you will be sent back to where you your country or where you
immigrated. For some reason if that country wont accept you back you will be sent to
some camp. In general the Vietnamese community become more organize as more people migrate
to this country; as in today we have more than 2.5 millions people in the U.S.
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