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Anh's Page

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My name is Anh Phan.
I will be a freshman at Ingraham High School next year.
I was born on September 14, 1984 in Vietnam, Saigon.
I came to the U.S. 3 years ago.
My best language is Vietnamese. English is my second best.  I also know a little Spanish.
During my spare time, I like to read, watch movie or listen to the music.
I like to eat chicken noodle soup.
My favorite sport is basketball. Michael Jordan is my favorite player.
I like to listen to Vietnamese music.
My best friend are Tuyen, Diep, Hang, Phung, Kim, and Anh Thu.

My Friends Links

  1. Kristy
  2. Katherine
  3. Kimmy

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A man named Chi D. Nguyen created Viettouch in 1996. There are seven different catagories in Viettouch. In this web page you can find ART (prehistory, ceramics,...), ARCHITECTURE (citadels, religious,...), HISTORY (timeline, history,...), LITERATURE (written in Chinese, Vietnamese), VIETNAMESE MUSIC, NUMISMATICS (myth, historian heroes, Vietnamese culture,...).

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