Vietnamese Poetry
[VN Poetry] [Student Works] [Famous Poets] [Jokes]
There are many special poetic genres in the Vietnamese literature. Two particular poetic genres are the six-eight-word meter and the seven-seven-six-eight word meter.
In the six-eight-word meter, the last syllable of the six-word line rhymes with the sixth syllable of the eight-word verse. The last syllable of the eight-word line meter rhymes with the last syllable of the next six-word line. Kieu, a famous work of Du Nguyen, was written in this kind of poetic genre.
Also, there are two exceptions in this poetic genre.
The seven-seven-six-eight word meter includes two seven words lines and two six-eight verses. Chinh Phu Ngam, a famous poem, was written in this kind of poetic genre.
The seven-seven-six-eight word meter can be analyzed like the followings:
3 5 7
Unstressed/stressed unstressed stressed
3 5 7
Unstressed stressed unstressed
2 4 6
Unstressed stressed unstressed
2 4 6 8
Unstressed stressed unstressed unstressed
Thi Lu§t (Løc bát,
song th¤t løc bát)
Student Poetry, Literature, Joke
Chinh Phø Ngâm Khúc
(trích ðoÕn)
Thüa tr¶i
ð¤t n±i c½n gió bøi,
Khách má h°ng nhi«u n²i truân chuyên
Xanh kia thåm thÆm t×ng trên!
Vì ai gây dñng cho nên n²i này.
Tr¯ng Tràng Thành lung lay bóng nguy®t,
Khói Cam Tuy«n m¶ m¸t thÑc mây.
Chín t¥ng gß½m báo trao tay,
NØa ðêm truy«n h¸ch ð¸nh ngày xu¤t chinh.
Ca Dao
Mµt ðàn cò tr¡ng bay quanh
Cho loan nh¾ phßþng, cho mình nh¾ ta
Mình nh¾ ta nhß cá nh¾ mu¯i
Ta nh¾ mình nhß cuµi nh¾ trång
Mình v« mình nh¾ ta chång
Ta v« ta nh¾ hàm rång mình c߶i
Chi«u chi«u lÕi nh¾ chi«u chi«u
Trông v« quê m© chín chi«u ruµt ðau
Ðoàn Th¸
(Chinh Phø
Ngâm Khúc)
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