Lives in Viet Nam both in the city and in the country are very difficult because Vietnam is a small and poor country. Viet Nam is not modern. For example, there isn't enough electricity , the water is unclean, and the roads are narrow. Some people do not have houses to live in.
Living in the City
The city is where
most people live because it has roads, buildings, houses, transportation, markets, etc.
The city is alive when the sun comes up. As early as 6 a.m., trucks and buses rumble on
their way to the provinces, honking at smaller vehicles to clear the path. By 6:30 in the
morning, the city's main streets are filled with columns of people on bicycles and scooters weaving their way to work.
Hawkers sell noodle soup, French bread, "xoi", a kind of sticky rice, and other
different kinds of
foods. They park their pushcarts on sidewalks and workers
eat breakfast at these stalls. In the marketplace, housewives buy fresh vegetables, fish,
and pork or chicken for the day's meals. After work, the elder go drink coffee, talking
with their friends, go home to eat or relax. After school students go play with their
friends, play games, or gather a group to eat. Living in city is a lot of fun.
Living in the Country
Life in the country is hard. Their lives are based on farming and their family values are strong.
Some families have
their own farm to work for living and some work on other land. Everyday, they have to go
out early to work on their fields untill the sun goes down. The fields have to be ploughed
and harrowed and rice must be sown twice a year during the dry seasons.
Seedlings are transplanted only after the first rains. The seasons dictate when the grain
will ripen and be harvested . After long hours of hard work in the field, the elders
usually sit in shaded area and talk with each other or they go home to relax. The students
ask each
other to play games.
At night many small kids gather around an old man to listen to him tell stories. The
country is a place where people visit and never forget the beautiful views.
Even though Vietnam is a small poor country, people all have good relationships and they have a great time with each other.
If u want to know more information please click on links:
Hitchhiking Vietnam
Vietnam's People
Vietnam Tradition