Saigon is a beautiful city,it is located South of Vietnam. I was born in Saigon, Vietnam in March of 1984. Base on the Chinese Horoscope I was born in the year of the rat and base on the American Horoscope I was born in the year of the Pisces. I grew up in small neighborhood call Ba Huyen Thanh Quang(most of you who have not lived in Saigon probably are not familiar with this name.). In Vietnam, in the morning I go to school from seven in the morning until twelve in the afternoon.As you can see it's totally different because you only have five hours of school, but in America you have eight hours of school work not including lunch. After I came home from school I might have lunch or take an afternoon nap until four o'clock in the afternoon. You see in the neighborhood I lived in it is very crowded because everyone house is like wall to wall. As you can guess how the market would look like in Saigon. Well that's all I'm gonna tell about my Countryside.


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