Read In English Version

     There once was a peaceful kingdom whose rules under the supreme king of tiger.  The kingdom was peaceful for some newcomerwpeE.gif (137613 bytes), but devastating for the citizen whose lived there.  It was not because of taxes or starvation, but rather than cruelty.  The king or ruler, are obviously the most powerful and strongest tiger in the forest, name Torturono. wpe8.gif (95803 bytes) It was certain that he will cruelly torture anything or anyone whose oppose him, but that is not all he will murder anyone who neglect him or even thinking about leaving his kingdom.  Some have try to escape, but none have ever success.

     Yet it was not too bad to live under his rule.  He will protect his people to his best ability and for his enemy, let say they will never see a light of another daywpeA.gif (117357 bytes).  For years his citizen have live peacefully, but in fear for their life, for they never know when it's their time.

     One occasion King Torturono. decide to take a walk to his kingdom and meet an old bunny and was said to be a very wise.  King Torturono talk to that wise bunny for a while, when suddenly he outrageously throw the bunny in prison for suggesting how and why his kingdom should be change.  From that day on no one ever dare to talk to the king or even come close to him, with his unpredictable short temper behavior.

     A year pass by the king temper still remain the same.   During that year a neighboring kingdom came and invading King Torturono kingdom to expand his territory.  King Torturono kingdom is a perfect match, since every citizen in that town is fearful of the  king and no one want to join his force.  Since no one dare to come close to the king Torturono., he didn't know  the invasion until it was to late that his kingdom was capture by the neighboring kingdomwpe16.gif (81035 bytes).  Even if he knew the invasion earlier he would still lose his kingdom since the citizen dislike him and want to overrule his ruling, the invasion is just another way for citizen join other kingdom without rioting.wpe13.gif (102706 bytes)