Read In Vietnamese Version

Big and small

Once upon a time in a big house, there were a big cat and a small little mouse.The mouse always got scared when he see the wild cat. The mouse thinks that is not fair for him because the cat is too big and he is too small so he decided to go to the heaven and ask god about it. At night before he go to sleep, the mouse took all the food that he got and put it in the bag to ready for the trip tomorrow morning. In the morning, the mouse wake up earlier than the day before so he can get out of the house as soon as the cat still sleeping. The mouse left the house as he wanted. He went to the heaven and asked why he is too small and the cat is too big? God said that if he wanted to get bigger than the cat then he do it. The mouse thinks for a while then he said okay. God turned the mouse into a big mouse. The mouse was so happy and he even forgot to say thank you to god. He went back to the big house and found the cat to revenged. The mouse did it the wild cat is scared of the mouse now. The mouse was so happy and he ran out side to relax. He met a spider on the web he ran to it and messed it up. He thinks it was fun so he ran over the house and messed the web up. The next day all the spiders go to ask god to turn them bigger then the mouse. They went home to revenge and chased the mouse just like he did to them before. The mouse tried to find his hole to get in but he is too big now he can even get in it so he run out side to find the dog house to get in. The spiders were too big so they went away. The mouse thinks that if they want to be bigger than another animal so they can beat them up is a good idea but that is not right. Small animal can beat up the big animal too such as the ants go over the elephant body to bite all over the elephant's body. The elephant is scared of the ants too. After the mouse make a good suggestion he ran out side and tell the cat and the spiders about it. They all agreed with each other so they plan to go to the heaven tomorrow. The next day at the heaven, they ask god to changed them back like before. God changed them all back like before. They were all happy and said thank you to god. They went home with each other with the happily smile.