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I was born in SaiGon and lived there for thirteen years. To me SaiGon is one of the best, most beautiful cities in South Viet Nam.  Living in Saigon, it's common to see lots of houses with the ground floor converted into a business area on the street. Saigon's area is not too big but it has high populations, houses built next to each other. One of the most transportation people in SaiGon used is motorcycles , beside these motorcycles they also use bicycles and cars ect...I love SaiGon.

Sylvester.gif (16554 bytes)Sylvester.gif (16554 bytes)

Bie^'t ra(`ng ba.n do*.i o*? da^y

Ne^n To^i co^' y' no*i na`y di qua

Di qua bo^~ng tha^'y la` la`...

Muo^'n di vo`ng la.i nhu* ma` nga.i ghe^

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