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Dragon Descendants

    People in Vietnam is still celebrating Lac Long Quan Holiday.  This is the story about Dragon Descendants.

     Long time ago, our Vietnam country still very poor, we didn't have enough food to survive.  At that time, under the ocean, there was a prince named Lac Long Quan.  He saw people was so poor, he wanted to to help them.  He decided to leave ocean and went up to land to help those poor people.  He taught them how to plant vegetable, fruit  and rice...

    At that time, Au Co was a fairy lived on mountain.  While she was hiking, she met Lac Long Quan.  Then they falling in love at that moment.

    Au Co lived with Lac Long for some time and became pregnant. She gave birth to a pouch filled with one hundred eggs, each of which produced a baby boy at the end of seven days. These hundred boys grew amazingly fast and became handsome men surpassing those of the same age in physical strength and intelligence.

    For dozens of years, the couple lived in the most complete harmony. But Lac Long always had nostalgia for the submarine palace. One day he said goodbye to his wife and children and, transforming himself into a dragon, took off toward the sea. Au Co and her sons wanted to follow him but, not being able to fly, they sadly took the mountain road again. Days full of sadness passed without news of him. Upset by the memory of her loved one, Au Co stood on the highest summit and turned toward the south. Anguishly, she cried out, "Oh Lac Long, why don't you return home?" And Lac Long was immediately at her side. Au Co reproached him softly; "I am a native of the high mountains and large grottos. I have brought a hundred sons into the world in order to live with you in perfect harmony, but this still has not stopped you from leaving us."

    Lac Long replied, "I am of the Dragon race, you are of the Immortals. We cannot live together. We must separate. I am going to leave for the maritime regions with fifty of our children and you will go with the other fifty to the country of the mountains and the forests. We still divide this country between us to run it as best we can.

    And they separated. Thus, the hundred boys became the ancestors of the Viets. Only the eldest lived in the Phong Chau and was proclaimed King as Hung Vuong (King Hung). He divided the country into fifteen provinces, each being the cradle of a tribe. Eighteen Hung kings succeeded him on the throne.

    The story of Lac Long and Au Co is at the origin of popular beliefs that the Viets are descended from the race of the Dragons and the Tien.


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