Calendar of Events
JUNE 13 21 St Battle of Westchester Karate-Kung Fu-TKD NAT'S. CHAMPIONSHIP To be held at the New Rochelle High School Gym, at 9:30 Sharp! Rated"AA" by SKL, AND "AAA"(914) 636-7530 Tues or Thurs. from 7-10 P.M. 0r Saturday form 10 A.M. to noon.
June 19 BATTLE OF UPSTATE NEW YORK To be held at the Fulton War Memorial, Fulton, NY, and sponsored by Precision TKD. Open to all styles. Rated"AAA" by World Karate Union. Special Ki Demonstration by Grm. Ralph Schueler. Contact: Master Tom Merritt at (315) 593-1266.
4-25 7th ANNUAL RADFORD UNV. JEET KUNE DO SUMMER CAMP, Radford Unv. Radford,VA. Sponsored by the original jeet Kunes Do Council with Dr. Jerry Beasley's Jun Fan Kickboxing/JKD. Write for brouchure: RUJKD'99.Box 402, Christiansburg, VA 24068
25-27 12th ANNUAL KARATE COLLEGE (Radford Unv. Radford, VA) World's greatest TKD/Karate/Jiuitsu Summer camp with Joe Lewis, Bill Wallace, Jerry Beasley and Renzo Gracie and Kathy Long plus 12 more masters! All arts, styles welcome. Write for free brochure: Karate College XII, Box 5007, Christiansburg, VA 24068.
30-July 3 AAU TKD NATIOAL CHAMPIONSHIPS to be held at the Flve Seasons Ctr.,Cedar
Rapids, IA. Contact Mr. Mike Friello at (518) 372-6849 Web site:
JULY 10-11 USTF REGION 1 CHAMPIOSHIPS Wheatley TKD Academy, Reno, NV. For information, call: (702) 324-2700.
17 COMBAT HAPKIDO SEMINAR WITH GRM. JOHN PELLEGRINI To be held in Central Texas. For more information, call Gary Richardson or Erik Watson (254)867-1414 or (888)751-4254 http:/
AUGUST 3-6 AAA USA JUNIOR OLYPIC GAMES Cleveland Convention Ctr, Cleveland, OH. Contact: Mr.Mike Friello at (518) 372-6849 web site:
13-15 18th ANNUAL USA TKD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS To be held in Las Vegas, NV. Men, Women, Children, All Styles, Colored & Black Belts are invited to compete for world title. Star Search'99 with Don Wilson scouting film talent and Shannon Lee (one of the celerity judges) will attend. Call: (702) 222-9557 or visit our
14 MICHIGAN NAT'L PRO-AM KARATE CHAMPIONSHIPS To be held at the Inkster Recreation Complex, 2025 Middlebelt Rd, Inkster, Ml. Cash Prizes Tate, Box 591, Inkster, Mi 48141 (313) 730-9889 Fax: (313) 730-5909 E-Mail: CTATE4017@AOL.Com
21 WORLD-WIDE TKD ASSN. BLACK BELT TESTING Held at Precision TKD, 365 W. First Street South, Fulton, NY. All members of the Association invieted to be tested by Grm, Scheuler, founder amd president of WWTA. Contact: Master Tom Merrit (315)593-1226.
OCTORBER 1-3 FREESTYLE TOURNAMENT II A KRANE AAA World rates event hosted by Disney's Wide World of Sports at the Disney World Resort outside of Orlando, FL. Also sanctioned by FBBA. Spectacular Saturday night show! Call (888)250-4226 or visit website: i-can. net or email at
2 26th ANNUAL NATIONAL TKD CHAMPIONSHIP to be held at Kansas City, KS Community College, 7250 State Ave, Kansas City, KS. Contact: Grandmaster Choon Lee, 11453 W. 64th St., Shawnee Mission, KS 66203 (913) 631-1414
16 ICHF HAPKIDO SEMINAR with Grm. Pellegrini and Master Rodriguez. To be held at Price Fitness Center, Presidio of Monterey, CA. For information, contact: Bob Ingersoll at 400 Trinity Ave,. Seaside, CA 93955 or call: (813) 394-3703 or email at
23 ICHF DOUBLE IMPACT HAPKIDO SEMINAR with Grm. Pellegrinia and Master Rodrigues in the Chicago, IL area. (Location TBA) Call: Master Moore at (847) 468-0608. Space is Limited.
DECEMBER 4 ABRAHAM MADREY MEMORIAL MASACHUTSETTS AUU TKD CHAMPIONSHIPS A portion of the proceeds to benefit the Abraham Madrey Scholarship Fund. Location: Rewggie Lewis Athletic Center, Boston, MA. Tournament Directors: David Mazor & Gill Pork. Athletes must pre-register for this event. For information call: (413) 256-8595 or email:
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